Trike no 2
After realising we had hit on a good idea, we struggled to keep up with demand & worried about letting anyone down if the Trike should succumb to mechanical problems, especially if it was for a Wedding, though all our customers are equally important to us. It was time to take the plunge & buy Trike no 2!
This was a much more planned event. Lots of phone calls, lots of photo emails, lots of choices & decisions to be made to get the right machine. Trike 1 was great, but we could see where improvements could be made to ensure more comfort for our passengers & we wanted to get it right. Then there was the finance to organise, the alteration to the regulations for our operating base, tests to go through & licences to be amended. Once everything was in place, Rewaco delivered the Trike to Heysham on a trailer for us. You could say the novelty of the journey bringing the first Trike home had worn off, but the forecast was not too good, so the prospect of 5 hours in the rain did not appeal! Believe me, there's no such thing as waterproof!
Trike no 2, is a Rewaco RF1-ST3 with a 1600cc Ford Zetec engine, had much more sparkle, with an almost black iridescent finish. She's another beauty.
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